Honoring Achievement, Loyalty, Young Alumni

The National Alumni Association presents three types of awards annually to deserving recipients. Alumni are invited to nominate other alumni or to self-nominate for award consideration. The deadline for nominations is March 1.

Alumni Achievement Awards

Established in 1937, the Alumni Achievement Award is given to recognize the accomplishments of alumni. In 2023, the College introduced six categories for Alumni Achievement Awards: Arts, Sciences, Education, Law and Public Service, Business, and Religion.

(Year of Induction: Name, Class Year)

Achievement Award Recipients

  • 1937: Louise Chrenshaw Ray, 1908*
  • 1938: Olive M. Stone, 1918*
  • 1939: Ellen Rush Sturdivant, N.C.*
  • 1940: Christin McCann, 1915*
  • 1941: Louise Branscomb, 1921*
  • 1942: Addie Lee Farrish, 1918*
  • 1943: Bess Adams, 1914*
  • 1944: Alma Sims Martin, 1923*
  • 1945: Eloise Siddon Soper, 1916*
  • 1946: Mary M. Smith, 1897*
  • 1947: Ruth Lawrence (Mezynski), 1923*
  • 1948: Anne Elizabeth May, 1927*
  • 1949: Mary Elizabeth Skinner, 1903*
  • 1950: Lorraine Buck, 1920*
  • 1951: Zora Ellis, 1922*
  • 1952: Lillie Maude Bell Alexander, 1924*
  • 1953: Lena Vail Davis, 1917*
  • 1954: Julia Walker Russell, 1928*
  • 1955: Olivia Dannelly, 1916*
  • 1956: Lucile Branscomb, 1928*
  • 1957: Inez Shofner Murray, 1909*
  • 1958: Evelyn Walker, 1927*
  • 1959: Lucia Giddens Myers, 1924*
  • 1960: Sally Mayes Danner, 1899*
  • 1961: Susie McCrary Williams, 1919*
  • 1962: Susie Peach Foster, 1927*
  • 1963: Caroline Marshall Draughton, 1931*
  • 1964: Francey Finley, 1919*
  • 1965: Elizabeth Lewis, 1927*
  • 1966: Mildred Lock Labuzan, 1925*
  • 1967: Mary Jane Crump Brannon, 1937*
  • 1968: Allie Mae Sessions Chapman, 1909*
  • 1969: Laura Johnston, 1928*
  • 1970: Charlotte Hereford Jones, 1926*
  • 1971: Kathryn Tucker Windham, 1939*
  • 1972: Robbie C. Wood Patterson, 1919*
  • 1973: Mary George Jordan Waite, 1939*
  • 1974: Louise Long, 1929*
  • 1975: Willard “Jack” Hurley, 1950*
  • 1976: Marie Baker Sinclair, 1944*
  • 1977: Annette Kelly Marks, 1945*
  • 1978: Marilyn E. Stone, 1947*
  • 1979: Dr. Ruth Rankin Diaz-Plaja, 1961*
  • 1980: Jean Rodgers, 1949*
  • 1981: Edna Earl Smith Arnold, 1932*
  • 1982: John Ed Mathison, 1960
  • 1983: Kay Kennedy Miller, 1964
  • 1984: Jerrell* & Joyce Mathison, 1961
  • 1985: Dorothy Rainer Sellars, 1948*
  • 1986: Arline Hanke Johnson, 1941*
  • 1987: Phillip Dale Segrest, 1964
  • 1988: David T. Rodgers Jr., 1958
  • 1989: Nia Katechis Terezakis, 1956
  • 1990: Betty Bottoms Grundy, 1960*
  • 1991: Mary Elizabeth Jones Fine, 1929*
  • 1992: Wanda Marie Ruffin, 1965
  • 1993: Mary George Jester, 1968
  • 1994: Linda Caldwell Fuller, 1966
  • 1995: Blanche Carlton Sloan, 1945*
  • 1996: Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Jr., 1969
  • 1997: Claudia Adkison, 1964
  • 1998: Nimrod T. Frazer, 1954*; Mary Ann Oglesby Neeley, 1954*; Ouida Fay Paul, 1930*
  • 1999: W. Foster Eich III, 1960; Gaylan Schrieber Pugh, 1970*; John Bell, 1971
  • 2000: Donald Allen Harp, 1963*; Merritt Wayne Moseley, Jr., 1970; Rockland Osgood, 1980
  • 2001: Reese Howell McKinney Jr., 1972; Elinor Warr Roberts, 1957*
  • 2002: Billie Ruth Stewart Sudduth, 1967*; George Corley Wallace Jr., 1977; Lisa Lacy White, 1982
  • 2003: Dr. Curtis Glenn Armstrong Jr., 1972; Susan White Bennett, 1970; Janet Miller Dapitan, 1956*
  • 2004: Paul Allen, 1968; Elizabeth McDuffie Bricken Jones, 1965; Alexis Clegorne Tibbetts, 1974
  • 2005: Kristi Dubose, 1986; George Mathison, 1967
  • 2006: Minnie Lamberth, 1983; Joe R. Rambo, 1987
  • 2007: Ruth Griffin Crosby, 1970; Camilla Sessions Wible, 1965
  • 2008: Jacob Martinson*, 1954; Paul Kazuo Nakane, 1958
  • 2009: James Mungenast, 1971; Rick Yates, 1982
  • 2010: Janice Woolf Hendrickson, 1965; William S. Richardson, 1965
  • 2011: Leura Garrett Canary, 1978; Elizabeth Cumming Hight, 1974
  • 2012: James Anderson, 1976; Kimberly Braxton Lloyd, 1989; Thomas Moore, 1973; Stan Self, 1966
  • 2013: Carl Barker, 1970; Frances Hastings Moore, 1946*;  James Yarbrough, 1959*
  • 2014: Mary Sue Barnette McClurkin, 1969; William Peck, 1970; Virginia Rath Whitfield, 1964
  • 2015: Carl Barranco, 1964; Neil McDavid, 1969; Betty Seymour Perdue, 1951*; Gale Marie Stallworth Stone, 1987
  • 2016: Katrina Keefer, 1995; Desiree Weems Murray, 1989
  • 2017: Dr. Michele Scharff Olson, 1986; Dr. Greg Waller, 1980
  • 2018: Jim Abbott, 1986; William B. Wilson, 1990
  • 2019: Jeff Spiller, 1976; Quesha Starks, 1996
  • 2020: Melba Bolton Richardson, 1968; Ethel Heinecke Bauer, 1960*
  • 2021: Donna Marietta, 1981; Bessie House-Soremekun, 1978
  • 2022: Connie Deal, 1987; Maureen Murphy, 1978
  • 2023: William Bozeman, 1967 (Education); Lucinda Smilie Chappelle, 1979 (Business); Emily Dueitt Kincaid, 2006 (Religion); Leah Nesbitt Kottyan, 2005 (Sciences); Terry Moorer, 1983 (Law and Public Service); Jacqueline Allen Trimble, 1983 (Arts)
  • 2024: Randy Clark 1980 (Law and Public Service); James W. Duke 1995 (Sciences); Diane Parkmann Hett 1971 (Law and Public Service); Cecilia Connell Homison 1984 (Business); Ellen Edwards Kennedy, 1969 (Arts); Dan Morris 1979 (Religion); Madeline Nichols Moseley 1972 (Education); Stephanie Yasechko 2016 (Sciences)

Alumni Loyalty Award

The National Alumni Association of Huntingdon College may recognize annually individuals who, through their continuing expression of affection and commitment to Huntingdon College, are deserving of the Alumni Association’s Alumni Loyalty Award. Recipients of these awards must be alumni.

Loyalty Award Recipients

  • 1974: Jane Greene Collins, 1945*; Frances Powers McLeod, 1925*; William Pearson, 1947*; Special Awards: Guy Youngerman, Allen Reynolds
  • 1975: Helen Marsh Bothfeld, 1939*; Olivia Dannelly, 2016*; Special Award: Bishop Carl J. Sanders
  • 1976: Barbara Johnston Dismukes, 1950*; Ethel Ellis Gibson, 1949*; Wyn Gray Sittason, 1950*
  • 1977: Jean Rodgers, 1949*; John Ed Mathison, 1960; Dorothy Rainer Sellars, 1948*
  • 1978: Lena Vail Davis, 2017*; Laura Johnston, 1928*; Charles Turner, 1957; Special Award: Julia Walker Russell ’28*
  • 1979: Dr.* & Mrs.* Gordon T. Chappell; Zuleika Eanes Collins, 1925*; Dale Segrest, 1964; Special Award: Wilmer R. Bottoms*
  • 1980: Catherine Cannon Jones 1950*; Lessie Mae Hall Stone*; Chris Williams, 1974
  • 1981: Zora Ellis, 1922*; Claire Paulk Sartain, 1916*; Ann Strickland White, 1944*
  • 1982: Ruth Brady Brink, 1946*; Sybil Smith Lebherz, 1926*; Mary George Waite, 1939*
  • 1983: Frances Manci Law 1951*; Charlotte Hereford Jones, 1926*; Rhoda C. Ellison*; Special Award: Allen K. Jackson*
  • 1984: Wes Sarginson, 1966; Sadie Gibson Jackson, 1953*; Erle Danley; Special Award: W.T. Benson
  • 1985: JoAnna Breedlove Crane, 1952*; Dorothy Marsh Fairchild, 1942*; Jeannette Garrett, 1921*; Special Award: James W. Wilson, Jr.*
  • 1986: Ann Rogers Roton, 1937*; Jeff Sessions, 1969; Kathryn Tucker Windham, 1939*; Special Awards: Barbara Jackson, Philip Sellers*
  • 1987: Mildred Davis, 1932*; Asa Boozer, 1956*; John Bransford Nichols*
  • 1988: Foster & Ginger Graves Eich, 1960; Gail Golson Phillips, 1955; Catherine Dixon Roland, 1958*
  • 1989: Carl A. Barranco, 1664; Lorena Manci Bryars, 1941*; Charles G. Tomberlin, 1960; Special Award: Betty M. Collier, 1949*
  • 1990: Don Meadows, 1963; Marie Chapman Benson, 1930*; Walter Ellisor, 1955*
  • 1991: Gerald Garrick, 1965*; Frances Hastings Moore, 1946*; Lizzie Reed Penn, 1923*
  • 1992: Grace Ellis Larson, 1932*; Mary George Jester, 1968; Evelyn Mixson Parker, 1942*
  • 1993: Margaret Dean Pitts 1941*; Blanche Carlton Sloan, 1945*; Margaret Garrett Bynum, 1924*
  • 1994: Marilyn Cogburn McLeod, 1944*; David G. Myrick, 1967; Elinor Warr Roberts, 1957*; Special Award: Mildred Abrams Hill, 1925*
  • 1995: Betty Finlay Brislin, 1949*; Jean Elizabeth Sandberg, 1939*; Marie Baker Sinclair, 1944*
  • 1996: Mark & Beth Anderson Kingry, 1987/1988; Anne White Mitchell, 1970; Sue Cross Savage, 1957*; Special Award: Norma Villareal Zambrano, 1945*
  • 1997: Dorothy Hoag Bell, 1952*; Elizabeth Couey Smithart, 1986; Pat Shadoin Williamson, 1967
  • 1998: Kay Kennedy Miller, 1964; Rev. Si Mathison, 1949*; Betty Kimbrough Hastings, 1951
  • 1999: Mimi Leisy Rush, 1984; Mary Sample Mabson, 1952*; Anna Louise Calhoun Duffey, 1942*
  • 2000: Herb Patterson, 1971; Fred Wilkerson, 1952*; Josie Parker Greene, 1944*
  • 2001: John S. Bell 1971; Ronald Wise, 1968*
  • 2002: Gregory E. Sellers 1986; Marie Stafford, 1968*; Dr. Eugene Stanaland, 1960
  • 2003: Dorothy Kreis Golab, 1967*; Phebe Mason Lee, 1969; Jane Black Roberts, 1945*
  • 2004: John A. Mabry, Sr., 1961*; Jennifer Gaston Rodopoulos,1988
  • 2005: June Burdick Bisard, 1956; Thelma Braswell, 1962
  • 2006: Claire Peacock Helms, 1962; Sarah McCarthy Mingledorff, 1969
  • 2007: Betty Gensert Towey, 1945*; Dr. Thomas F. Staton*
  • 2008: Wayne Gibson, 1961*; Sara Stembridge Perry, 1954*
  • 2009: Shirley Parker Watkins, 1956; Betty Thurman McMahon, 1964
  • 2010: Leanne Hundley Boykin, 1987; Elizabeth Rush Denson Lipscomb, 1950
  • 2011: David Hudson Jr., 1981; Maureen Kendrick Murphy, 1978
  • 2012: Emmie Cardwell Bolden, 1944*; Judy Watson Kingry, 1962; Virginia McLean, 1945*
  • 2013: David Allred, 1992; Glenda Atwell Allred, 1991; Beverly Gordy McKinney, 1970
  • 2014: John Bricken, 1967; Celia Smith Rudolph, 1980; Mary Blackshear Sessions, 1969
  • 2015: Laura Hinds Duncan, 1994; Michael Seth Ward, Sr., 1976
  • 2016: Mary K. McGuffey, 1994
  • 2017: Winifred “Winnie” Lightfoot Stakely, 1966; Diane Smith Wendland, 1953*
  • 2018: Margaret Ward Kneisel, 1971; Charles Lee, 1962
  • 2019: Terri Smith Francis, 1980; Ed Glaize, 1985; C. Gray Price, 1969*
  • 2020: Sara Dickert Bowden, 1951*; Billy Gaither, 1955
  • 2021: DJ Conville, 1997; Peggy Sewell Parker, 1963
  • 2022: Reita Sample Davis, 1955; Bobbie Sue Coop Welch, 1954
  • 2023: Amy Woodard Klugh, 1996
  • 2024: Larry Hinds, 1963; Austin Worley, 2013


The National Alumni Association, in order to recognize genuine achievement, loyalty, and service, may present the Outstanding Young Alumni Award annually to a recipient who is a graduate of Huntingdon College. Winners will remain eligible for both the Loyalty and Achievement Awards.

Young Alumni Award Recipients

  • 2002:  Karla M. Wesley, 1992
  • 2003:  Amy Sue Miller, 1999
  • 2005:  Eric Koin Ross, 1992
  • 2006:  Brian Daniel Mann, 1995
  • 2007:  Marquell Johnson, 2001
  • 2008:  Anne Shinn, 2000
  • 2009:  Cynthia Barnes Hayden, 1999
  • 2010:  Ryan Shores, 1998
  • 2011:  Casey Malone Maugh, 2000
  • 2012:  Zach Billingsley, 1999
  • 2013:  Hope Theresa Richard, 2000
  • 2014:  Mindy Bevan La Branche, 2005; Robert La Branche, 2006
  • 2015:  Gillian Lisenby Walters, 2008
  • 2016:  Dave Barkalow, 2003
  • 2017: R. Walker Garrett, 2007
  • 2018: Larry McLemore, 2004
  • 2019: Taylor Zarzour, 2000
  • 2020: James Robinson, 2004
  • 2021: Jhavonn Brown, 2014; James Robinson, 2004
  • 2022: Kyle Futral, 2007; Kirk Johnson, 2012
  • 2023: Dexter Dean, 2013
  • 2024: Jacob Godwin, 2007

Award Nominations

To nominate alumni for these awards, complete and submit the online nomination form. If you have questions or prefer to nominate by phone, mail, or email, please contact the Office of College and Alumni Relations at alumni@hawks.shushijia.net or (334) 833-4564.

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